Tuesday, January 1, 2013

December W1S1 Update

Happy New Year! Wow, 2013 already. And whatdaya know, we're all still here--until science gives us zombies.

So how did December turn out?

Stories written: 1 (currently ~4,800-word horror--my hopeful for Cemetery Dance)
Stories submitted: 19
Stories accepted: 0
Stories rejected: 17

Overall a slow month, but nonetheless, a good year. Managed to sell more stories than last year, including sales to Eschatology, Lovecraft eZine and Cosmos. Also, if you haven't already, definitely grab a copy of Unidentified Funny Objects, which contains my flash story "All I Want for Christmas..." and I have to share this review from Collen Chen over at Tangent, because it's hilarious. As she says about my story:

  Abby encounters Santa by the Christmas tree. We first think she’s just another kid who’s been exposed to too much violence when she requests a katana like the one she saw in Kill Bill, but we soon discover that she needs to kill some zombies or she can’t play outside.
This is a short, one-gimmick story, and I’m afraid I’m in the least likely demographic (a mother with young children) to enjoy the humor of this story because I was aghast at the premise—that no, kids aren’t watching too much violence on screen; they need it to learn how to fight and kill zombies. Sorry…I just couldn’t suspend my maternal urges enough to enjoy this.
See there? It offends mothers, ones with small children who think video games/TV causes violence, so you know it's pure win.

For those curious, my 2012 stats:

262 stories submitted. Only 5 accepted. 25 stories pending. Do the math and you'll know the rejection rate, haha.

Looking back at 2012, I do feel that I'm stronger writer today than I was back in Dec. 31 2011 (I originally wrote 21022, I must be from the future), and although I wrote a lot of crap, I wrote some good stuff too...now to convince the editors that it's good.

Happy New Year's everyone and happy writing in 2013!


  1. Happy New Year and congratulations on making your Write1Sub1 goal. I am going to focus on a novel for 2013 so you may not see me in the W1S1. Good luck for the new year.

  2. Way to go on meeting your December W1S1 goals! Cemetery Dance is OPEN? And that's a fantastic review! To make a Tangent reviewer "aghast"? Seriously, your work is done.

    (I nominated your story "The Ungreat Escape" for the Best of W1S1 anthology.)

    1. Hehe, yep: http://www.cemeterydance.com/extras/cemetery-dance-magazine-open-to-fiction-submissions/

      (I was surprised too that they were open.)

      How do I go about nominating stories?

  3. Congrats on making your December W1S1 goals, and more particularly on finding success in publishing in 2012. I have a feeling that is a trend that will continue into 2013. And, yes, "The Ungreat Escape" is very good.

    Here's to a wonderful year ahead.

    1. Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the story and much success to you in 2013. :)

  4. That is an impressive rejection rate. It shows how hard you've worked this year. Keep it up until you can paper your house with the rejection slips.
