Friday, August 31, 2012

August W1S1 Update

It's been a minute since we've had a W1S1 update, hasn't it? This month seemed a bit low compared to last month--probably the editors on summer vacation--however, I did mange to get my Deep Cuts submission in the nick of time, after spending many, many hours staring at the ending (why are endings always the hardest to nail down?) And next month, I shall be anxiously awaiting the verdict on my UFO submission. Fingers crossed! By the way, if you haven't already, today's the last day to pre-order UFO.

Now of August stats:

Stories written: 2 (one 2,600-word sci-fi weird tale and one satirical flash fiction)
Stories submitted: 26-27(hoping to get in one final sub in for the month)
Stories accepted: 0
Stories rejected: 20

Starting to miss those acceptances, haha. Although who knows, maybe they're just around the corner... One can wish.

And from my explorations on Youtube, I bring you Personal Trainwreck! A short series of skits about a sleezy, over-hyped fitness instructor. Here are my two favorites, though check out
the rest, they're all great.


  1. Nicely done on getting your W1S1 goals, def!

    And 20 Rs! Wow. I wish i was getting that many responses per month (does the fact that i want to get 20 rejections per month say anything about what writing has made me? :P)

    1. Haha, guess it's better to get the R than to sit there, checking your inbox ever 5 minutes... *wanders over to gmail*

  2. The responses have been super-lite for me the past two weeks, but I'm sure an avalanche is in my near-future. Anyhow, way to go on reaching your August Write1Sub1 goals! And I hope you get into UFO -- one of my Captain Quasar tales came close, but alas no cigar.

    1. Bummer about Captain Quasar. :(
      UFO was a tough one; I had several submissions to them--only 1 one made it to the final round, though another story came close.

  3. Congratulations on making your W1S1 goal. You beat me on all your targets except acceptances; we tied :( How do you keep track of all those subs and replies? I hope you don't say that you just keep organized. I tried that but failed.

    Keep writing.

    1. Oh well, maybe next month well get lucky!

      I use Duotrope to keep track of submission times, but I also write down all my submission in a journal; the journal isn't as specific, but it's a nice visual to see how many stories went out in a single month.

      (Oh, and weird thing, but blogger tagged your post as spam. Don't know why. :O)

  4. Congrats on meeting the goals. Are editors allowed a summer vacation?

    1. Apparently so, 'cause things have been slow--well, they were slow. Already have 3 R's this month!

  5. Good for you for posting hits and misses. So many rejections on this end it ain't even funny. Okay, it's kind of funny.
