Tuesday, October 2, 2012

W1S1 September update

Egads! October already? Next thing you know, everyone will be recovering from their New Year's Eve hangover.

Well, while there's time, let's see some stats:

Stories written: 3 (2 flash and 1 sci-fi horror--not quite finished but I'm counting it, anyway)
Stories submitted: 24
Stories accepted: 1
Stories rejected: 21

I've already mentioned this, but had a flash story accepted into UFO anthology, which I'm really looking forward to. Alex (the editor and fellow W1S1er) is also posting some SFF humor stories online for free. So check it out

In other news, I'm hating the new interface blogger/Google forced on me. I know it's been around for a while, but was trying to avoid it. My interface screen is now the equivalent of staring into a lightbulb. I'm hoping there's an option of toning down the white--maybe a nice lilac color?--otherwise, I might go blind from blogging.

On the bright side, I bought The Secret World on sale for 50% off (woohoo!), and will be enjoying the hell out of it--unless the bugs piss me off. And yes, it's still a little buggy. However, the ambiance is just awesome. As I said before, it's like running through a horror film. 

Happy October writing, everyone!

Yes, my weapon is a rusty pipe--how cool is that?

(Pssh. Click on the images, they look better in full view.)


  1. Sweet screenshots, and way to go on meeting and beating your September W1S1 goals!

    1. Thanks! I love exploring the different scenery in the game, and it looks and feels right.

  2. Congratulations on meeting your W1S1 goals. And for reading my sense of wonder blog post. Maybe my next post will be about SF tropes that still have a wonder element. If I can think of enough to make it worth while.

    1. RE SF tropes: Could start with the original Star Trek series, lots of tropes in there, going where no man has ever gone before. :)

  3. Congrats on meeting your W1S1 goals and getting into UFO. I'm so excited for that anthology!

    1. Me too! I think this has to be my favorite publication so far. Fingers crossed that this will be an annual thing.

  4. Congrats on meeting your W1S1 goals :)

    While my love affair with World of Warcraft has cooled somewhat over the years it's still where most of my gaming time goes, so I haven't played The Secret World, but I've heard good things about it. Maybe it's time I gave it a try.

    ~ Rhonda Parrish

  5. Congrats on meeting your goals. "Blind from blogging." That sounds like a prompt for a horror story or maybe humor. : )

  6. Well done: I've been collecting a bunch of short story rejections, then I was asked to submit a story to an anthology and I can't come up with any good ideas :).

    I noticed you'd left a draft post on the Worlds Unimagined blog called 'In case any of you are out there...' which I can't read, so I thought I'd drop by here in case you were looking for us :).

  7. Congratulations on meeting and exceeding your targets.
